les inséparables @ Sinstralis (PvP)
Dernière mise à jour: 10/07/2008 06:25:57 (PST)
Membres: 79 (+0 Alts)
  • Average Level: 57
  • Niveau 70: 43
  • Niveau 60-69: 6
  • Niveau 50-59: 10
  • Niveau 40-49: 4
  • Niveau 30-39: 7
  • Niveau 1-29: 9
WoW Server Status

Props to Celandro, Paleblackness, Pytte, Rubricsinger, and Konkers for the original code used for this site
Special thanks to calvin from rpgoutfitter.com for his wonderfull addons CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler

To the DEVs of Roster, for helping to build and maintain the package. You Rock!

Thanks to all the coders who have contributed code, bug fixes, time, and testing of WoWRoster

Active Devs
Name Info
zanix Site Admin, WoWRoster Coordinator
Author of SigGen
Anaxent WoWRoster Dev
WoWRosterDF Author (DragonflyCMS Port)
mathos WoWRoster Dev
PleegWat WoWRoster Dev
seleleth WoWRoster Dev
Sphinx WoWRoster Dev
German Translator
silencer-ch-au WoWRoster Dev
Zeryl WoWRoster Dev
Missing Recipes Roster-Addon Author
Matt Miller Gimpy DEV
Author of UniAdmin and UniUploader
calvin Gimpy DEV
Author of CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler
bsmorgan Gimpy DEV
Author of PvPLog

3rd party contributions
Name Info
Nick Schaffner Original WoW server status
Averen Original MemberLog author
Cybrey Advanced stats & bonuses block on the character page
vgjunkie Recoded professions page for v1.7.1
New show/hide javascript code for collapsable tables
dehoskins Improvements to the stats & bonuses block
EQdkp team Original version of the installer/upgrader code
and their templating engine

Inactive Devs
Name Info
AnthonyB Retired DEV
Site Admin and Coordinator
v1.04 to v1.7.0
Airor/Chris Inactive Dev
Coded new lua parser for v1.7.0
dsrbo Retired DEV
Retired PvPLog Author
Guppy Retired DEV
Mordon Retired Dev
Head Dev v1.03 and lower
mrmuskrat Retired DEV
Retired PvPLog Author
Nemm Inactive Dev
nerk01 Inactive Dev
Nostrademous Retired Dev
Retired PvPLog Author
peperone Inactive Dev
German Translator
RossiRat Inactive Dev
German Translator
Swipe Inactive Dev
vaccafoeda Inactive Dev
Vich Inactive Dev

Javascript libraries
Name Info
DynamicDrive Tab content script
DynamicDrive license
Erik Bosrup OverLib tooltip library
WoW Roster is licensed under a Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license.
Serveral javascript files are libraries that are under their own licenses.
The installer was derived from the EQdkp installer and is licensed under the GNU General Public License

See license.txt for details

WoWRoster v1.7.3

Props to Celandro, Paleblackness, Pytte, Rubricsinger, and Konkers for the original code used for this site.
WoWRoster home - www.wowroster.net
World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Additional Credits

Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional

This page was created in 0.08 seconds with 4 queries executed

SQL Queries
SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
SELECT * FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'les inséparables' AND `server` = 'Sinstralis'
SELECT `guild_id`, `guild_dateupdatedutc` FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'les inséparables' AND `server` ='Sinstralis'
SELECT IF(`guild_title` LIKE '%alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt',
FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup,
COUNT(`level`) AS amount,
SUM(`level`) AS sum
FROM `roster_members`
GROUP BY isalt, levelgroup
ORDER BY isalt ASC, levelgroup DESC